Piece of Cake: Not your grandma’s apple pie


Laken Wagner, JAG editor-in-chief

Sometimes in life, things don’t go the way we want them to.

Sometimes while baking, things don’t go the way we expect them to. This week’s recipe is a gentle, (or if you tend to be a perfectionist like me, more like a slap in the face), reminder of this fact.

While these apple pie fries may seem extremely easy due to only having five ingredients and very few steps, you really have to be careful with each step and adapt it to how it works best in your current environment. Temperature and time both are key aspects in this recipe, and you’ll have to work around both.

Aside from all of that, I ended up absolutely loving the taste of these fries. The crust is just crispy enough to really make them seem like fries, but the overall taste is exactly like your grandma’s apple pie.

Yes, there are things I wish I had done differently during this recipe, but practice makes perfect.

Apple Pie Fries

Start to finish: 25 minutes

Servings: 5-7 dozen fries

Here’s what you’ll need:

4 rolls pre-made pie crust

½ cup apple pie filling


1 egg, beat lightly

Raw sugar

Here’s the fun part:

Pre-heat your oven according to the temperature needed for the dough (it varies from crust to crust).

In a food processor, puree the pie filling until it’s completely smooth.

Dust a clean surface lightly with flour, then roll out two pie crusts onto the service.

Use a rolling pin to thin out the crusts to about half their original thickness.

Egg wash and raw sugar gives a more realistic "fries" effect.
Egg wash and raw sugar gives a more realistic “fries” effect.

Spread out about half the pureed pie filling onto one of the crusts, leaving ¼ inch of crust bare around the edges.

Carefully lift the other crust on top of the pie filling-covered crust. Press the edges together tightly to form a seal.

Using a pastry brush, brush the beaten egg onto the top crust and sprinkle as much raw sugar on the top as you’d like.

Using a pizza cutter, cut the filled dough into ½ inch-wide “fry” shapes.

Transfer the fries onto a parchment paper-lined baking sheet and bake for 12-15 minutes, or until slightly golden.

Apple pie fries closely resemble french fries in both size and shape.
Apple pie fries closely resemble french fries in both size and shape.

Here are some tips:

– Serve the fries with some “ketchup” (caramel sauce) for added effect

– Use a cutter that has a jagged edge to seal the fries better and prevent leakage

– Make your own pie filling with apples, cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, ground clove and sugar

These might take some practice, and they probably aren’t going to look that pretty the first time you make them … but they’re sure to please your taste buds.

Junior Laken Wagner has been spending time in the kitchen since she was five years old, where both baking and cooking have always filled her extra time. She enjoys baking more than anything else and can frequently be found decorating cakes or trying out new recipes.

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