Take a risk outside of your comfort zone

Pushing myself was the best decision I ever made


Madison Ferguson, JagWire editor-in-chief

Since I joined staff three years ago, I have struggled with getting myself into situations I find to be dangerous, which happens to be similar as a car ride I experienced with editor-in-chief Braden Shaw after a boys soccer game. It’s hard to believe this now, but I honestly did not want to go out that night due to the incoming storm. Even though it didn’t seem like a big deal at the start, it rained so much to where the streets started to flood and we had to pull over to wait it out.

Thanks to newspaper, I have found myself eager to go out onto the field to experience the more situations out of my comfort zone. Not only have I become more open to this, but overall I find that I have allowed myself to let loose more.

These experiences encouraged me to join the drama department as well, which happen to be one of my favorite extracurriculars now.

If I had not continuously pushed myself, I would definitely not be the same person as I am today. I would most likely be spending most of my time reading or drawing instead of being stressed everyday due to assignments. I wouldn’t be able to meet or work with new and unique people. I wouldn’t lose sleep over late night Walmart runs, running lines, Christmas light adventures, the dread of someone forgetting to bring snacks on work nights and the terrifying drive home after a game.

I am so thankful that I was given the opportunity to be a part of the journalism and theatre department and actually took the chance. It’s strange to think about how I thought joining staff and the theatre department was me living on the edge, but I am glad my freshman daredevil self took it upon herself to push herself into this life. I wouldn’t change a thing.

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