Students express themselves through fashion

Students use their unique style to feel confident everyday

By Tatum Elliott

Students at Mill Valley talk about how they express themselves through fashion.

Madelyn Welch, JagWire reporter/photographer

Posing for a photo on her Instagram account, sophomore Sophia Chang blows a kiss into the camera. (Submitted by Sophia Chang)

Fashion is a big part of some students’ lives. It is how they show their identity and helps them feel confident in themselves. Fashion can also mean something different to every person because everyone has their own unique sense of style.

Sophomore Sophia Chang got into fashion from a young age. Her family also played a big role in getting her fashion journey started.

“My mom, she was a seamstress, that was her career before she had kids and so I guess she’s always been very creative. Also, a lot of family members would give me cute clothes, and so, I already had cute clothes. I could choose from those clothes every day and from there I was like, oh yeah I like clothes.” Chang said.

At the age of six, sophomore Sophia Chang was already dressing up and using fashion as a means of expression. (Submitted by Sophia Chang)

Someone’s sense of style is unique to them and also helps them to feel confident and comfortable every day. For sophomore Sophie Sena, fashion means being confident with who you are and not caring what people think.

“Dressing in a way that makes me feel comfortable and confident has helped me a lot,” Sena said. “It has just helped me come to terms with myself and the way that I am.”

Having a unique sense of style also means that you should dress however you feel comfortable and not for anyone else, which is what Sena has learned through her fashion journey.

Sophomore Sophie Sena uses fashion to express herself and build confidence. (Submitted by Sophie Sena)

“Even though I may stand out and even though some people might not like the way I dress,” Sena said. “I am happy with who I am and at the end of the day that will always come first.” 

Inspiration is a huge part of finding your own style, and Chang has some people that have helped shape her fashion identity and sense of style. 

“I have been spending a lot of time on Instagram recently and there is a lot of cool fashion inspiration there. I also like Zendaya a lot, she’s super cool.” Chang said. 

Thrift stores can be great places to get the clothes you want without having to pay a lot of money for them. Sena says she gets most of her clothes from thrift stores because of the price.

“I thrift my clothes to be completely honest,” Sena said. “I always feel so good when I am able to find a really cute item for super cheap.”

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