Special services department hosts third annual prom

Students from different schools gathered at Mill Valley for the event and engaged in multiple activities

Ashlyn Windmiller, JAG reporter

As an upbeat playlist echoed from the speakers, students and staff members from a variety of Kansas high schools gathered in the Mill Valley auxiliary gym for the 2018 prom. A collection of Valentine’s Day themed decorations lined the walls and unique activities such as a movie room and game table were set up across the school.

Special services teacher Sara Evans enjoys watching her students getting involved and is proud that the prom could be held inside the school to create a more personal atmosphere.

“We had been invited to dances at other schools, and we wanted to host one of our own,” Evans said. “This is the first year that it has been at Mill Valley, unlike the previous years where it has been held at an off-site location.”

The preparation for the dance included biweekly meetings and a branch of student-led committees. All work put in by both the staff and peers resulted in a successful prom where students in the special services department were free to enjoy themselves and complete a wide range of activities with their friends.

Such preparation was worth the time and effort for students like senior Emily Wagner, who believes the dance was an excellent way to kick off her last semester of high school.

“My favorite part of this prom would be being able to dance with all of my friends,” Wagoner said. “It’s been a great four years and getting to have my last prom as a senior is really exciting.”

Junior peer Joe Cosmillo helped set up the event and participated with his fellow friends. Cosmillo said the prom is a good way for the students to branch out of their comfort zone and gain new life experiences.

“It’s important to let people who may not have an opportunity at the prom a chance to get involved with a school dance,” Cosmillo said. “It lets them get together with a big group of people just to have a enjoyable and fun time.”

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