Sophomore athlete earns world-wide honors in CrossFit

Taking the win at the 2021 Crossfit Games in Wisconsin, sophomore Olivia Kerstetter was named the Fittest Teen on Earth in the 14-15 age division

By Katelyn Krosky

Sophomore Olivia Kersetter finishes a snatch by lifting the weight above her head

Kaitlyn Burke, JagWire reporter/photographer

Sophomore Olivia Kerstetter has dedicated her life to CrossFit since she was eight years old. Winning the 2021 Most Fit Teen on
Earth CrossFit Games competition, in the 14-15 age division, is just one example of Olivia’s recognizable successes throughout her career. Competed by 4 million people worldwide, CrossFit is a mentally and physically challenging sport. It is considered the “Sport of Fitness”, requiring athletes to be well rounded in all areas including, cardio, strength, gymnastics, and other specialties.

Training hard, following specific diets, and committing her summer to CrossFit is just a part of the dedication Kerstetter shows. She trains year-round, taking summer as “in season,” 5 days a week, 8 hours each day, working towards the ultimate competition, the Fittest Teen on Earth Cross-Fit games. This competition is held towards the end of July into early August, there are qualifiers held to get in, and it is an all-around competition. A measure of running, lifting, swim- ming and more make up the amount of points earned total. Although it is time-consuming, Kerstetter believes CrossFit is rewarding.

“I feel like it is worth it, especially this year whenever I won the games, it’s kind of hard to believe because that’s all you train for, and then when it finally happens, it’s surreal,” Kerstetter said. “I have a lot of fun in the gym. I really enjoy it. I’ve made so many new friends, it’s definitely worth it.”

Kerstetter’s Coach, Jill Glasenapp, has been coaching Kerstetter through her successes.

“I have been coaching Olivia for approximately 2 years. She has worked out at the gym I own since she started CrossFit when she was 8 years old” Glasenapp said.

Kerstetter has many traits that separate her from other competitors.

“Olivia’s mental toughness and competitive edge definitely separates her from competitors,” Glasenapp said. “Olivia is an extremely smart athlete, in that she knows exactly what she is capable of, and what she needs to continue to work on. She is not afraid to do extremely hard work to reach her goals, and she is a gracious champion.”

On her Instagram account, @oliviakerstetter_cf, Kerstetter shares her CrossFit journey with 20,000 followers. Kerstetter posts CrossFit successes, meal plans, in-action pictures, and videos.

“My favorite part about my Instagram is just how much love and support I get from the people following
me,” Kerstetter said. “The amount of people that believe in me from all over the world is so cool and motivating.”

CrossFit is not just something athletes compete for, it can also be just going to the gym, making new friends, building a community, and feeling like you’re a part of something.

“You don’t have to do CrossFit just to compete,” Kerstetter said. “A lot of people just go to the gym, you can make so many, friends. You don’t have to be good to compete.”

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