SLT hosts pep rally in seminar

During seminar on Tuesday, Sept. 24 students gathered in the main gym to learn cheers and chants used at football games

Jordan Prestia and Claire Franke, reporter/photographer

SLT held a pep rally during Seminar on Tuesday, Sept. 24. The goal was to teach students the chants used during football games and at school assemblies. This was the first year an event like this was held.

The pep rally began with a quick introduction, followed by members of SLT teaching students multiple different chants. These varied from newer chants like “Party” to more well-known chants such as “Let’s Go Jags.”

Sophomore SLT member Avery Davis thought the pep rally was a good way to get the students involved and excited for school events.

“I think the pep assembly that we held was a great way to get students to learn the cheers, that way we can have more spirit at school events,” Davis said.

Sophomore Quincy Hubert attended the rally to learn this year’s new chants, and was shocked by the amount of students who showed up.

“I was kind of surprised at how many people were at the pep rally, and I think it made a big impact on students,” Hubert said. “The more people that can learn and know the chants, the louder we can be at football games and other activities.”

With new events like this, both Davis and Hubert believe the school is on their way to increasing the overall spirit around Mill Valley.

“Learning the chants and watching other students…makes me feel more apart of Mill Valley. It really allows more people to feel our school spirit,” Hubert said.

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