Procrastination hinders students ability to succeed

Students should learn to complete their own assignments on time


Raya Lehan, Mill Valley News editor-in-chief

Procrastination. We’re all guilty of it, and when done continuously, it can cause students to fall behind in school. Anyone can make up an excuse as to why they are writing their English paper at midnight, however it seems that no one can take it upon themselves to prevent it from happening again. I myself have had my fellow students asking to copy my homework five minutes before it was due. I am busy, but I still find the time to complete my assignments. Yet you feel like you have the right to copy me?

The problem continues because students do not have the motivation to get their schoolwork done on time. I personally have heard that many students won’t do the assignments they received on a silver day until a blue day, the night before it is due. One of the great advantages to our school days is that you have two days to complete your homework. We should use these two days to our advantage by doing our silver day homework on silver days, and then going in on blue days to get any help that we may need. This method allows for homework to be completed on time, while helping students advance at the same time.

Now I will agree, it is nice to relax. Sometimes we need that hour of Netflix in order to reset our mind and prepare ourselves for the worksheets ahead. I too like to take time to myself, and sometimes I will take longer getting started on my homework for that very reason. However, I know when the electronics need to go away and the books need to come out. That is healthy procrastination. No one is perfect all the time, we all need to say goodbye to school. But saying goodbye to school the entire night and expecting someone to bail you out the next morning is unacceptable.

So don’t procrastinate. You’re hindering your ability to advance as a student. Besides, Netflix will still be there this weekend. I promise.

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