Plants 101
From real succulents to fake plants, houseplants can make a great addition to anyone’s home.
By Chloe Miller
April 21, 2022
From real succulents to fake plants, houseplants can make a great addition to anyone’s home.
By Chloe Miller
April 21, 2022
This is senior Emma Clement’s third year on the JagWire staff. This year she is JagWire and Mill Valley News editor-in-chief, in addition to being a writer and designer for the newspaper. When she is not working on journalism, Emma enjoys reading, drawing, painting, watching TV shows and spending time with friends and family. She is also involved at Mill Valley as NHS president, Spanish NHS vice president, Youth for Refugees president, Model UN...
This is senior Chloe Miller’s second year on the JagWire Staff. She is elated to assume the role of design editor this year. Along with being a staff member, she is involved in NHS, Spanish NHS, English NHS, Chemistry NHS, HOSA, BlueCrew and JagPRIDE. Outside of school, Chloe can be found either hanging out with her friends at the mall or catching up on the newest series on Netflix. She’s heavily involved in competitive cheer and spends a majority...