MV Update Oct. 8

Traffic pattern at north exit changes


Adri Talavera, JagWire opinions editor/business manager

New traffic patterns at the north exit of the parking lot

Traffic patterns at the north exit of the parking lot changed effective Tuesday, Oct. 6.

As indicated by the new arrows, the left exit lane will be for drivers turning left and going straight into into The Forest of Clear Creek subdivision. The right exit lane will be for drivers turning right only. Drivers will no longer be permitted to go straight into The Forest of Clear Creek from the right exit lane.

According to school resource officer Mo Loridon, the goal of the changes is to alleviate traffic after school.

“[The purpose of the change] is to just help get people out of the parking lot instead of having to wait,” Loridon said. “What was happening was, people wanting to go straight were in the right lane, and people wanting to go left were in the left lane, but when there’s a lot of traffic in the street, nobody was getting out.”

Thus far, the change in the traffic patterns has been a smooth transition, Loridon said. However, communicating the change to parent drivers has been a challenge.

“[The transition] has been good. I mean, a few people have tried to go straight when they weren’t supposed to,” Loridon said. “The hardest part now is telling parents, because that’s who I’m dealing with now when I’m out there.”

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