Counselors hope changes in the enrollment process will help students
Q&A sessions in seminar, updated counseling website and some new electives are part of this year’s enrollment
By Abby Warren
Pressing submit, junior Audrey Holick sends in her online enrollment form to her counselor.
January 19, 2023

Enrollment opens up many new opportunities for students in the upcoming school year, including more ways to talk to counselors and more elective classes offered to students. Students must have their enrollment forms turned in by Wednesday, Feb. 8.
Students began hearing about next year’s enrollment during seminar after coming back from winter break. The counseling staff, including counselor Erin Hayes, used many different ways to inform and help students about everything.
“All the information about enrollment was shared in the enrollment PowerPoint, and everything is posted on the counseling page,” Hayes said. “We have also offered Q&A sessions in the media center for students to come down and get any questions answered about offered courses and credits needed.”
Counselors have also added new ways for students to get in contact with them and ask for help when choosing classes. Along with new opportunities to speak with counselors about classes, students have new options for classes to enroll in. Hayes explains the new options for students.
“Entrepreneurship has been added to the business pathway classes,” Hayes said. “Community service is also now offered for both juniors and seniors.”
Students may also have to apply for courses if they have limited space or require a higher level of performance from a student. Sophomore Talia Delperdang is taking advantage of a few of these application-required courses.
“I am planning on applying for JLC and Peers in Learning,” Delperdang said. “I am also planning on reapplying for broadcast.”
Being a counselor can be a very stressful situation for both counselors and students, according to Hayes.
“I think the biggest challenge as a counselor is just having enough time to try to get to everyone’s questions,” Hayes said. “We each have over 300 students to work with, so it can get a little overwhelming.”
Even with all the stress of enrollment, there are still parts Hayes enjoys about her job.
“I enjoy the enrollment process,” Hayes said. “It’s always exciting to help students think about opportunities and things they can try.”