Clayton’s Catastrophic Column: Crunch time

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At the moment that I am writing this, I am sitting in my room watching yet another episode of “House Hunters”, and I have a stomachache. This could possibly be attributed to the stress of all the important events happening this week, but is most likely due to the fact that I essentially had two full-sized dinners tonight, and my stomach isn’t agreeing with that. Whatever the reason, there are indeed many cool things happening in the next couple of days, despite the shortened week.

As I talked about last week, Mill Valley will be hosting the Student Council Regional Conference here this week, which will have already happened by the time you are reading this. In order to prepare for this, StuCo got together for a rousing meeting that included organization of events, the making of dozens of posters and also the production of almost 500 name tags for the attendees of the conference. There’s a lot to do, but if anybody is apt enough to organize it all, it’s definitely StuCo sponsors Erica Crist and Jessica DeWild.

Since this will be published on Tuesday, I can tell you guys about what the Marching Jaguars have got planned for our mid-conference entertainment without spoiling the surprise. The band plans to march in, and begin playing their arrangement of the Spiderman theme song that will be performed in our marching show at a future football game. However, when it comes to the drumline’s feature in the middle of the song, every light in the main gym will go off, and the drumline will switch out their regular drum sticks for light-up ones that they received as a gift at the end of last year. Pretty cool, if I don’t say so myself. I wish all of you could pop in and see the performance, but alas, you must get an education. The band has rehearsed for this many times already, so I expect it to be flawless, but there are other things we have our focus on.

This Thursday, Sept. 25 marks a very important day in the calendar of band director Deb Steiner. The band will be traveling to Bonner Springs High School to compete in our first marching competition of the season. Despite not having school that day, we will be spending a majority of our morning practicing and performing. For those of you who would like to attend, we perform at 9:10 a.m., on the Bonner Springs High School football field. However, I do understand if you would like to sleep in, because honestly that’s what I’d be doing if I didn’t love this band so much.

The past week has been quite stressful for the members of the Marching Jaguars. Due to weather complications lately, we have not been able to rehearse outside as much as we would prefer to. With an added evening practice last week, the band is working on polishing and perfecting our routine, so as to receive an extraordinary score at Bonner, as well as Emporia State University soon after. For those of you who are not aware, the theme for our show this year is “Superheroes,” so we will be performing three songs from three different superheroes. Watching the performance in a couple weeks will probably have you in tears over the sheer talent of our band, specifically the tuba section. They’re pretty good.

I hope to see the entire school up at Bonner Springs High School this Thursday. Make sure to bring signs, and extreme enthusiasm. There’s no reason you can’t cheer just as loud for marching bands as you can for a football team. Both are equally as exciting, in my opinion.

Thank you in advance for dealing with the mass amounts of people and busses that will be at our school on Tuesday, and I hope you all enjoy your short week and long weekend. That is all.

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