Women’s Empowerment Club celebrates Women’s History Month

The Women’s Empowerment Club aims to expand students’ knowledge on women’s history and accomplishments through a trivia night

Luci Guess, JagWire reporter/photographer

In light of March being Women’s History Month, the Women’s Empowerment Club hosted a game show themed trivia night on Friday, March 10 in the media center. 

President and junior Gwen Heideman was excited to utilize the trivia night as a fun concept in order to help educate the school in a relaxed way. 

“We’re having different game shows that center around women’s history, and questions about famous historical women, famous modern women, women’s rights movements and stuff like that, to help spread awareness.” Heideman said. “But also, [we want to] do that in a fun and interactive way, so that everybody can bond and just have a good time.”

To club sponsor Sara Sedgwick this is what makes the club intrinsically valuable. The people within the club are passionate about spreading education on a variety of women’s topics while also creating a safe and fun space for people to feel comfortable.

“[The WEC] have different things that they want to accomplish, but they also just want to have fun together,” Sedgwick said. 

Junior Ryleigh McCall, activities director for the WEC, sees Women’s History Month not only as an opportunity for people to get together and lift each other up, but also as an opportunity for people to reflect and grow from the treatment of women in the past.  

“Women’s History Month is very important,” McCall said. “Discussing how [women] were treated in the past and how we’ve got here today and the issues that are still prevalent from history… is always important so you don’t repeat it.”

After spring break, the club is planning on hosting a drive for a local women’s shelter. Updates about these upcoming events can be found on their instagram @mvhs_wec

In the future Sedgwick hopes the legacy of a strongly led group continues, but she also hopes WEC will be more involved with the school.  

“I’m excited that the girls who’ve stepped up this year are juniors, so I know that next year we’ll have an even stronger group,” Sedgwick said. “Hopefully that will lead to good things in the future and I want us to become more involved in the school with service.”

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