Teens need to stop self-absorbed use of social media

And while you’re at it, lose the abbreviations

“OMG! Did you hear she got drunk at that party? TBH I can’t even anymore, she’s so annoying.” “Yeah, my parents busted me for getting high this weekend, but I mean, YOLO. Like who cares.” Really guys, really? As a teenager, I personally don’t understand my generation. I find nearly everything about it irritating, but two things in particular are social media and the distasteful fad in acronyms and shortening every single word imaginable.

To start off, social media is a major issue. Teens spend hours on end virtually stalking people who they don’t even like or they’re jealous of. Social media usage has basically become a big competition. Which girl can post the most revealing picture, who drinks the most Starbucks, who goes out to the best restaurants or even whose life is the worst. Also the whole “selfie” thing perplexes me. Do people honestly think they’re that attractive? I am certain that it is unnecessary to post a picture of yourself every single day. More than likely you look the same as you did yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that. Social media is intended to be a more efficient and faster way to share news and keep in touch with family and friends. Would mom and dad really approve of that picture of you in your tight top and barely-there shorts? I hope not.

“That is literally totes adorbs!” This might as well be nails on a chalk board. Not only is it annoying, but also it’s plain stupid. It’s not “delish,” it’s delicious. It’s not “cray cray,” it’s crazy. Please do everyone a favor and pick up a dictionary. Also, the misuse of the word “literally” makes me want to pull my hair out. No, you did not literally die from that test. You’re still here, aren’t you?

Although I probably just insulted over half of the teenage population there are still some kids out there who know that having good morals and grades matters more than having the most Instagram followers. Thank you to those teenagers out there who have a depth to them that goes beyond “swag.”

Now I’m not saying everyone should change themselves completely. Just put down your phone and pick up a book every once in a while. If you’re going to snap a selfie, put on some clothes first and work on being intelligent rather than reckless. Success is out there guys: you just have to work for it. Stash away that negative attitude of “I can’t even” and say you can even.

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