By Amy Hill

School technician, Garrison Ballam who is a technician who usually checks the computer in for new students, helps someone and fix the issues on their computer Thursday, Feb. 24.

Technician Garrison Ballam finds comfort in helping others

Garrison Ballam acts as K-12 technology support for the school and is better known as the “tech guy” throughout the school by both students and teachers alike. Ballam can often be seen fixing the various technology problems that students and staff face throughout the day. 

“I usually have two or three things that I need to get done for the day and then throughout the day, there’s usually a handful of interruptions that pull me aside, or people from the office need me to help with something so I have to drop things and drop what I’m doing and help them out,” Ballam said.

 Despite the usual consistencies in his work, Ballam still comes into contact with unique circumstances every so often and even has some horror stories. “Someone spilled milk on their laptop and brought it in like a few months later. And it was full blown cheese at that point.” Ballam said.

 However, the main thing that Ballam wishes the students would do in order to help him with his job is to simply try rebooting their laptops before coming to him.

 Ballam’s favorite aspect of his job is being able to help people via fixing broken laptops and other technology, and often thinks of the times that his parents struggle with technology problems and how rewarding it feels when he is able to fix the problem and help his parents. Ballam feels the same way when it comes to helping anyone, even if they aren’t his parents.

“For me it’s like my bread and butter. So it’s easy for me to do and easy to make someone else happy,” said Ballam.


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