By Elizabeth Summa

Freshman Jacob Krosky holds up his pair of ski goggles Friday, March 3. Krosky said he is packing his goggles because he will be “going skiing in Colorado.”

Students utilize their school break to vacation to new destinations

March 10, 2023

Senior Mallory Botts holds up a poncho inside of a case Thursday, March 9. Botts said she is packing her poncho because “it’s supposed to rain while we are [in Florida].” (By Luke Wood)
While many students use Spring break to rest and relax, others find it to be a unique opportunity to explore someplace new with a vacation.

One of these students is sophomore Ronan Myers, who is vacationing to London this Spring break. Myers explains why he likes going on vacation over break.

“I think it’s always just fun to go out and do something,” Myers said. “It’s a good time. It gives me a chance to spend time with my family and get away from here.”

Spring break is an especially popular time for vacations, in part, because of its convenient location in the year. This is true for freshman Jacob Krosky and his family, who are going to several cities in Colorado.

“[We like Spring Break] because we don’t like going over Christmas break because it’s always busy and my birthday was over the February break we just had,” Krosky said. “Spring break is just the next week.”

Similarly, senior Mallory Botts is going on the band trip to Disney World this year, which takes place over the break. She explains why she is excited about the trip being over Spring break.

“I like that [it is over Spring break] because I normally don’t go on trips over Spring break,” Botts said. “I normally just go on a summer vacation with my family. I like having it to look forward to.”

Being in a destination with many activities unique to that place can be another benefit of vacations. Krosky describes the many plans his family has for their trip to Colorado.

By Grace Brookshire

“The first few days of spring break, we’re going hiking with our cousins,” Krosky said. “Then after that, we’re going to Breckenridge to ski. We’re going to go one day in Breckenridge and drive over to Vail because it’s close, ski one day there and then back to [Breckenridge].

Mountains are not the only fun thing to explore on vacation, though. Looking forward to his Spring break trip, Myers explains what he is most excited to do in London.

“I’m excited to go to the markets down by the sea and I’m excited to go to a soccer game there,” Myers said.

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