By Casey Cunningham

In the conga line, junior Sydney McGlasson smiles as she holds onto the person in front of her.

Student Council hosts a Valleywood themed Homecoming dance

After Homecoming spirit week, StuCo hosted the annual Homecoming dance Saturday, Sept. 17

Student Council hosted the annual Homecoming dance with the theme of Valleywood to commemorate the end of Homecoming week Saturday, Sept. 17. The spirit days throughout the week also paid homage to Adam Sandler with spirit days such as Adam Sandler Day and Waterboy Day. Senior Sidney Claeys explained how StuCo went about deciding on the theme of Valleywood.

“Within StuCo, we have small groups and we were all told to come up with a few ideas and pick our favorite. The initial thought came from junior Walt Midyett. We came up with Adam Sandler day, Tacky Tourist day and Waterboy day,” Claeys said. “Our advisor told us to make a presentation with spirit week ideas, decor and little details. Junior Lucy Roy helped me with the presentation and juniors Walt Midyett, Lucy Roy and myself presented it to StuCo.” 

This Homecoming dance also marked as a first time experience for many underclassmen. Freshman Josie Whitsitt described her feelings leading up to the Homecoming dance. 

“I was so excited, I was looking forward to dancing with the upperclassmen and going with my best friends,” Whitsitt said. “I loved spirit week, it was so fun to watch everyone participate. Adam Sandler day was my favorite spirit day since it was so funny to see all the girls dress like boys.”

Like Whitsitt, freshman Gavin Wilson expressed his feelings regarding the overall theme of Valleywood and his favorite spirit day,

“I kind of liked the theme of Valleywood, I think it was different from person to person. But I think that people should just participate and dress up no matter what since that’s what makes Homecoming week so much more fun,” Wilson said. “Tacky Tourist was my favorite spirit day because I got to dress up like an idiot.”

Although hesitant to go to the dance initially, Whitsitt and her friends were glad they went to the dance in the end.

“Our plans were thrown together kind of at the last minute because none of us really wanted to go at first,” Whitsitt said. “But we did end up going in the end and I’m so glad that we did.” 

Additionally, Wilson described his outfit options for the dance.

“I was excited to go to the dance, but a lot of people didn’t want to go so I thought it’d be boring. But I was excited to see the people since that’s what makes it so fun,” Wilson said. “I didn’t make any plans with my friends, but I did have the plan of wearing a green button up suit, but came wearing a full pink suit.”

Overall, Claeys enjoyed the Valleywood atmosphere, and expressed her appreciation for the rest of StuCo.

“For our decorations we used a ton of gold. Gold streamers, stars, fabric, etc. We incorporated a red carpet which was super cool and we had a big Valleywood sign,” Claeys said. “I’m super proud of StuCo for putting on an amazing week for Mill Valley. I know so many students had so much fun, it’s a lot of work for us and I’m so happy it all paid off.” 

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