Spanish National Honors Society hosts annual donut sale

SNHS members tell what they enjoy about the club fundraiser

Hailey Perrin, JagWire reporter/photographer

For two days every year, Spanish National Honors Society hosts a donut fundraiser. SNHS began doing the donut sales in 2016 with a goal of connecting with the Spanish-speaking part of the world. SNHS co-sponsor Spanish teacher Jan Good-Bollinger was one of the first to consider having a fundraiser to support Spanish speaking communities throughout the world.

 “[The idea was] following a fairly big hurricane or fallout from a hurricane in Puerto Rico that is when it came to mind to me that we could be doing something about this,” Good-Bollinger said. 

From there, a friend of Good-Bollinger suggested she look into giving the money towards a nonprofit healthcare organization Heart to Heart International. “we continued to go through Heart to Heart international because they address both domestic and international concerns,” Good-Bollinger said.

In order to become one of the staff members of the donut sales there are a few requirements such as service hours. 

Maintaining membership in SNHS can be demanding but according to sophomore Kaitlyn Fitzpatrick, it is worth the effort.

“It is fun to work with other people on projects that benefit other people, and it looks good on a resume,” said Fitzpatrick via text messages.  

Beyond helping people there are many other reasons why members of SNHS enjoy participating in the club. Being able to help people internationally while at home is something that motivates SNHS members like treasurer senior Abhi Raut. 

“I love being connected to Spanish in a different way outside of the classroom,” Raut said. “I love the language and I plan to minor in it in college. I think this is just a whole other way where I can take on a responsibility-type role in Spanish and share my love through the culture and do the little activities we do.” 

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