Spanish National Honor Society holds annual induction ceremony

A successful induction of new SNHS members took place Wednesday Oct. 9

Luci Guess, JagWire reporter/photographer

An induction ceremony was held Wednesday, Oct. 9, to welcome new members into the Spanish National Honor Society.

Despite the shorter length of the ceremony itself, there was a lot of preparation behind the scenes. Starting with an application process, Spanish teachers and co-sponsors Edith Paredes and Jan Good-Bollinger look through and accept a group of students into the society. 

After accepting the newly selected students into the program, it was time to prepare for the induction ceremony. The president of SNHS, senior Sarah Johnston, played a crucial role in organizing the ceremony. 

“Making a program, getting a list of new inducted members and creating goodie bags for them, getting the candles assembled [and] rehearsing the induction.” Johnston said. 

Having the ceremony in the PAC allowed for special lighting, which added to the importance of the induction.

“We like the lights to change a little bit throughout the ceremony so that when we do the candle lighting at the end, that it’s ever so lovely with the candles being a little extra special but, I thought it went really well.” Good-Bollinger said. 

Because a majority of the induction was spoken in Spanish, new inductee sophomore Kenzie Johnson was excited to apply what she had learned into a real world situation. 

“It was cool to listen to [the sponsors and officers] speak in Spanish and be like, “Oh, I actually know what they’re talking about”, because while you’re taking the class and when we’re taking tests over conjugations and stuff, you get discouraged,” Johnson said. 

Johnson is looking forward to the volunteer opportunities presented through the club following induction. Johnston also finds volunteering rewarding and advises new members to make sure they stay on top of their hours. 

“Some advice I would have for a new member is to stay on top of their hours both Spanish and non Spanish related to find opportunities to use Spanish in the community because I always think that’s really rewarding.” Johnston said. 

With all the new members having now been inducted  Good-Bollinger looks forward to the future of what SNHS will look like this year. 

“It just makes your heart really happy for them,” Good-Bollinger said. “They’ve worked hard because it is hard work. They’ve pursued this and seen [Spanish] as a relevant thing in their future.” 

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