Scholars bowl team goes 4-3 at tournament

The scholars bowl team competed at Saint Thomas Aquinas on Thursday, Nov. 15

By Hannah Chern

Getting ready to press the buzzer, senior Johannes Seberger discusses to the team about an answer at the Saint Thomas Aquinas tournament on Thursday, Nov. 15. “I think we had a pretty good performance for today,” Seberger said. “We did have a tournament earlier in the week, so I think some of us were just tired and busy with classes [which] factored into us not having the best performance that we could have.” The team finished with a 4-3 record at the tournament.

Tanner Smith, JagWire editor-in-chief

The scholars bowl team competed at a tournament held by Saint Thomas Aquinas on Wednesday, Nov. 15. While the team did not compete in any finals rounds, the team went 4-3 and scored a total of 445 points.

Overall, senior Johannes Seberger felt the team did well given the conditions they had leading up to the meet.

“I think we had a pretty good performance,” Seberger said. “All of us having tests this week and busy class schedules factored into not having the best performance we could.”

For Seberger, one factor contributing to the team’s losses was the competition at the tournament.

“I feel like this was probably one of our most difficult tournaments … but I think overall we did pretty well for the questions that were handed towards us,” Seberger said.

Scholars bowl coach Mary Beth Mattingly felt that teamwork lead to the team’s success.

“They work well together [and] they can all play off each others strengths,” Mattingly said. “They all recognize who should take the [question] … they always confer, one person does not try to outshine another.”

In the future, Seberger hopes this tournament will continue to help the team expand its knowledge of less familiar topics.

“[This tournament] will help us with practicing with more difficult questions especially in the categories that [we struggled with],” Seberger said.

Although Mattingly was happy with their success, she hopes the team will continue to improve.

“I think they did well, [but] they are capable of better. A varsity team of those members often can win a tournament,” Mattingly said. “We had strong competitors and were against some other stronger teams.”

As the season continues, Mattingly hopes this tournament will help them be prepared for regionals and state.

“They hear questions … [that are good practice for] regionals and state,” Mattingly said. “Every time you get a chance to compete against another team and get better at being faster, it helps their skills to be a little quicker on the buzzer.”

The next scholars bowl meet will be the home tournament on Wednesday Dec. 5.

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