By Anna Owsley

New special education teacher excited to get to know her students

Cathy Hatoum looks forward to joining the Mill Valley family

JagWire: What are you most excited for about your new job?

Cathy Hatoum: [I’m most excited about] getting to know my students really well.

JW: What are you looking forward to about being at Mill Valley?

CH: [I’m looking forward to] being part of the Mill Valley family.

JW: What led you to a career in teaching and your specific subject area?

CH: I always [knew I] wanted to be a teacher, but I went in a very long round-about way [to find my career]. I had lots of jobs before I started teaching. Then, I started teaching in Texas, and I felt like [teaching] was what I wanted to do.

JW: Give us a fun fact or something unique about yourself to help us get to know you.
CH: I was born and raised in western New York, and I’ve lived in four different states.

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