NAHS finishes C-Wing mural
The mural describing the departments of the C-Wing is officially finished Thursday, Feb. 25
By Claire Biles
Sophomore Simon Vongxay continues to paints the C-wing mural on Thursday, Feb. 18.
February 26, 2016
The C-wing mural, which was painted by NAHS and was started near the end of last year, was finished on Thursday, Feb. 25.
The mural is painted throughout the entire lower C-wing and depicts the names of subjects near their corresponding classrooms, such as journalism and drama.
According to sophomore NAHS member Simon Vongxay, the mural ultimately makes the lower C-hallway a more cohesive area.
“The point of the mural is to basically connect the C-wing and establish where things are and what things are,” Vongxay said.
In addition, the mural will be helpful to incoming students and parents when attempting to locate classes throughout that specific hallway, according to junior NAHS secretary Jayna Smith.
“For the mural itself and for the student body and anybody that pertains to the school I think it’s very helpful,” Smith said. “For parents especially, because when the come in for conferences and parent nights it helps them locate classes. For students, it livens up the hallways because it’s not just bland white walls anymore, it adds some color.”
According to Smith, however, NAHS encountered a few difficulties in the process of painting.
“The texture on the walls is kind of hard [to paint on] because it indents and there’s little grooves and things that aren’t the best for painting,” Smith said.
Sophomore NAHS member Parker Johnson said that finishing the mural was a major accomplishment.
“I feel like I’ve accomplished a lot,” Johnson said. “It’s time consuming, but you can see the work you’ve made throughout the hallways. It’s interesting and it looks cool and people ask you about it which is awesome.”
Although the project is over this year, Johnson said the prospect of future additions to the mural still stands.“We believe we’re going to end up putting silhouettes that depict each room,” Johnson said, “but that may be a future project later on.”
Ultimately, senior NAHS vice president Morgan Schuler is excited that the project is finished.
“I’m excited because we’ve been working on it since last year and it’s finally coming to an end and we just want it to be done and look as nice as possible.”
Furthemore, Smith thinks that the project has ultimately bonded NAHS members, and is proud of the accomplishment.
“I’ve really liked this project,” Smith said. “We’ve been spending a lot of time together and of course we’ll do more projects but finishing this one is a happy moment but a sad moment at the same time.”