Lizzie’s Lists of Helpful How-To’s: How to keep a long and healthy relationship

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I am happy to say that as of yesterday, I have been with sophomore DJ Graviette for a full year and a half. You might be wondering what this has to do with my blog. Well, I’d like to share with you all of how to maintain a strong relationship.

I’d also like to say how thankful I am for my relationship and how happy I am because of it. Our relationship isn’t perfect but staying with someone consistently for a year and a half in high school can be seen as quite an accomplishment. So, if you’d like to know my advice on how to have a long lasting relationship, read on.

  1.    Always communicate. I cannot emphasize enough  how important this is. Talk to each other whether you’re angry, sad or happy. Regardless of what state you’re in at the moment, talk to each other and share your feelings. This will give you both a better understanding of how each other feels and reacts.
  2.    Be playful. Remember that it’s not serious all the time. Sometimes you need to tell each other stupid jokes, tease each other and play games. The best moments in a relationship are the playful moments.
  3.    Be thoughtful. Always try to think of ways to surprise your significant other or show your affection for them. They’ll appreciate it and in turn do the same for you.
  4.    No matter what, be honest. This is extremely important because in a relationship you have to be honest. If not, the whole relationship is ruined and it causes more dishonesty in the future.
  5.    Love unconditionally. Love them when they’re going through bad times, love them in good times. People won’t always be sunshine and smiles and you still need to love them during their worst times.
  6.    Don’t give up. There’s going to be fights and difficult times, but once you give up, not only does it show you don’t care, but it ruins your relationship.
  7.    Be realistic. Relationships go through ups and downs and this can be hard to remember with social media these days. People usually only post good things, especially when it comes to relationships. Keep in mind that it won’t always be good, but it’s how you act during the bad times that truly counts.
  8.    Be best friends.  Best friends laugh, share everything and they can count on each other. This is an absolute necessity because not every moment spent together will be romantic. Sometimes you just need a friend to talk to and mess around with.
  9.    Devote time to each other. No matter how busy you are, always try your best to spend time with them. Whether this is sending a quick ‘I’m thinking about you text’, taking the time for a phone call or spending face to face time together, it’s important. You can’t afford to lose touch in a relationship. Show them you still care, even when you don’t have much time.

Overall, treat each other with respect and keep the other person’s feeling and interests in mind at all times. Remember though; don’t become too dependent on your significant other because that can lead to an unhealthy relationship. Keep in mind that it’s not all about the time you spend together but rather how you treat each other during that time.


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