Letter from the editors: Jumping into the school year

The new school year came with new difficulties, but that’s not stopping the JagWire


Annie Myers, Ally Nguyen, and Anika Roy

Hey everyone, and welcome to the miracle that is issue one. The three of us couldn’t be more relieved or excited to be distributing the paper to you, as we’ve spent the last month living and breathing the cliché of making lemonade when life gives you lemons.

We were first primarily concerned about the challenges accompanying having a staff consisting of so many new members. A lot of hard work and metaphorical blood, sweat and tears go into creating this newsmagazine each month and jumping in, unfamiliar with the high expectations of being a staffer, is a scary thing. This being said, the JagWire is lucky to have these 12 driven sophomores that consistently ask questions and problem solve to the best of their ability. A lot of learning has happened since Aug. 15, and we hope it shows.

However, the challenges within this production cycle extended beyond the staff to matters far out of our control. As of Aug. 25, our long-time printing company declared they would no longer be doing business with about half of the student publications it normally prints. Having spent countless summer hours perfecting a design format for this year’s paper, this news was beyond disappointing for us to hear. Despite the issues this has caused for our publication, we realize that we are not alone in our despair as multiple publications face the same misfortune as local printers have to shut their doors. Stay strong, everyone.

In light of these obstacles, however, there was never a lack of heart in C-101. Each staff member worked to meet original deadlines, confident a solution would present itself. In particular, those working to create our sexual education-related special section went above and beyond to produce what you’re about to see. We’re incredibly proud of their eagerness to take on a project that we previously feared would be too difficult, too broad and too controversial to cover, and find the meatier story behind it.

Again, the three of us want to thank our staff members for their flexibility, and you all for taking the time to read, enjoy and learn from our finished product.

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