By Andrew Tow

Staffers Ben Wieland and Molly Smith introduced a horror movie review blog, “Friday Night Frights.”

Friday Night Fright: an introduction

JAG business manager Molly Smith and Mill Valley News editor in chief Ben Wieland cross staff boundaries to launch horror movie review series


Being a high school junior is scary enough. Both of us are already buried in the stress of chasing colleges, passing our classes and maintaining our memberships in numerous clubs and groups at Mill Valley. However, these fears aren’t enough for us, so we would like to proudly introduce our weekly horror movie review column: ‘Friday Night Fright.’ In this column released every Friday, we will put some of the most famous and scariest motion pictures to the test. 

Our medley of movies includes selections from every genre of horror. We will be reviewing classic horror films like “The Shining,” more recent thrillers such as “Hereditary” or “Get Out,” recent releases fresh from the theaters like “Doctor Sleep” (which hits the screen Friday, Nov. 8) and special holiday reviews for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Our favorite holiday, Friday the 13th, will be celebrated with special films to set the evening. 

Throughout this cinematic journey, the films (viewed by either one or both of us) will be rated on a scale from one to five in four different categories and an overall score will be given by averaging the ratings. 

The four categories are:

Fright Factor: How scary was the movie? 

Plot: How interesting was the story and how well was it executed?

Fancy Movie Things: How well was the movie produced? How was the cinematography? Was there any symbolism or deeper meaning to the film? 

Enjoyability: How fun was it to watch? 

If this piques your interest, check back next week for our first ‘Friday Night Fright’ where we will be reviewing “IT Chapter Two.”

Have a freaky Friday!

Molly Smith and Ben Wieland

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