Freshmen from each junior high should work for a better school


Every year as the freshmen walk through the high school doors for the very first time, two different worlds combine: The Monticello Trails kids and the Mill Creek kids.

Flashing back to when we were freshman, assumptions about both schools were different from each other. The Mill Creek kids were snobby brats who thought they were better than everyone else and were the “good kids.” While the Monticello Trails kids were wild and rowdy kids who could not be tamed.

When the two schools merged together, the real dose of reality hit. Sure they were different, but not in the way we originally thought.

Although these middle schools were just miles apart, there was just a difference in the kids you could obviously tell who was from where. The Mill Creek kids were no angels and the Monticello Trails kids were no devils.

The Monticello Trails kids were very vocal and expressive about their thoughts and opinions. While Mill Creek kids were more soft spoken and reserved about certain things. Monticello Trails kids were rowdy and obnoxious at times and Mill Creek kids were more in-line and respectful. Although these are only assumptions, the way that the kids acted really showed who was from which school.

We’re not saying that the two schools should be fighting against each other or creating rivalries, but they should be trying to all be friends and get along. Although these two student types are different, they are also alike in ways. They’re all in a new school trying to adjust to one another and they also have to start all over in a new and unknown place. As time goes on the two classes will eventually blend together to create the freshmen class.


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