Foreign exchange student Tara Kretzschmar shares her experience so far in America

Kretzschmar explains her experience so far as a German exchange student living in America

Merrick Vinke, Guest writer

What made you want to be a foreign exchange student?

I wanted to see America and experience high school in America.

How did get you get involved in the program?

I got involved in a program called AYA by seeing a commercial during school.

What culture shock did you experience when you first came to America?

Some of the culture shock I experienced was mainly how different the food was. In Germany they eat a lot healthier and I mostly ate salads, while here in the US there is a lot more fast food.

How do you like living in America so far?

I like it a lot, especially the people and the language.

What do you like better here in America?

I like the school system better here in America, and how you can choose your own classes. In Germany we have 16 different classes and there are no spirit weeks, homecoming dances, or school spirit. I like the school spirit a lot here.

What to do you dislike here in America?

I don’t like how there is no walking, everyone drives here since the driving age is different.

How do you feel about Mill Valley in general?

I like it a lot, there are nice people and everyone is helpful. It is also cool to be able to have a friendship with your teachers.

How do you like your host family?

I like them a lot; my host sister and I are really close, like actual sisters. My host family is very funny.

What do you miss most about Germany?

I miss the German chocolate, my bedroom, family and my dog a lot.

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