Don’t change yourself, improve yourself

We often find ourselves in situations where we feel we don’t belong. Especially in high school, finding yourself makes the years go by quicker because you become so wrapped up in other people’s opinions of yourself, changing yourself based on others perceptions of how you should be is not something that works in the long run.

Since the first day of freshman year I found myself longing to feel important by those around me, when in reality I had a lot of work to do for myself. Whether that be getting organized, or working on my mental health, I really avoided any topic that had to do with what I stood for as a person and my original personality.  However, stepping back and taking a look at myself at what I needed to improve only helped me grow as a person, which made the relationships around me stronger.

Working on myself also allowed me to develop real relationships with those around me, and gain friends who I hope are around for the rest of my life.

Spending time developing yourself is never a bad idea, and give yourself grace for wanting to put your best foot forward for other people.

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