Dog with a Blog: All dogs go to heaven


Nora Lucas, JagWire editor-in-chief

Welcome back to Dog with a Blog. With a heavy heart, I share with you that Loki, arguably the most famous corgi on Instagram, has passed away due to kidney complications. Loki was the first corgi account I ever followed, and each video brought just a little bit of joy into even the most stressful of days.

The devastation this leaves in the corgi community is undeniable. Loki showed the world what it’s like to own a corgi, and he served as an example that short little dogs have a lot of might. Whether in a lion’s mane or a Batman costume, he made people all over the world smile for years. His social media accounts piled in hundreds of thousands of followers, to the extent where the news of his death became a sad talking point at school the following day.

Owning a dog of any kind, you never think there’s going to be a day without them. They’re your best friend, and you just don’t prepare for that type of loss. I know I never prepared to write such a depressing second blog post, but I felt that Loki’s death impacted owners of all kinds, not just corgis.

People pass away every single day, but somehow a dog’s death seems much more significant. Why do we cry when dogs die in movies, but feel very little when it’s a human? Humans have flaws and can be mean, while dogs are innocent. Sure, dogs tear up your pillows and poop on your lawn, but at the end of the day, they still love you. Humans don’t always act like that.

While Loki’s passing has had an irrefutable effect on me, I think we should commemorate his life instead of linger on the sadness. Hug your dogs a little tighter tonight, give them extra treats and above all, know that Loki and a million before him are free of pain. Besides, everybody knows all dogs go to heaven.

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