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Daily announcements for Thursday, May 17

There will be a Silver Stars team meeting tomorrow morning, Friday, May 18 at 7:15 a.m.

There will be a mandatory girls tennis meeting for anyone interested in playing tennis next fall this Friday at 3 p.m. in coach Alyssa Auld’s room, A207.

Students enrolled in English teacher Kristen Crosbie’s AP Language and Composition class for the 2012-13 school year, please stop by room A201 next week to pick up your summer assignment and materials.

Golfers not competing in the state golf tournament need to turn in their golf bags to coach Adam Wessel ASAP.

Any girl interested in playing golf in the fall needs to stop by Wessel’s room at some point to pick up information.

The media center will be closing at 3:30 p.m. today. Be sure to return any overdue books and make use of the media center before that time. The media center will open tomorrow at its regular time.

Students should return overdue books and materials to the media center as soon as possible. A list will be posted on
the media center window for those students who have overdue books and or fines they need to pay. Please take care of
these responsibilities before the end of the school year.

Students taking AP Literature and Composition next year need to pick up summer reading novels from English teacher Justin Bogart before the end of this school year.

All students taking AP Biology next fall need to stop by science teacher Eric Thomas’ room to pick up the summer assignment.

2012-2013 sophomores, please make sure to pick up your summer reading assignment from your freshman English

Support the Silver Stars Jose Peppers night on Tuesday, May 29.

Driver’s Ed forms for the summer session are now available in the office and online.

StuCo results are posted on the office window.

NHS sponsors Kristen Chavez and Sarah Sides would like to congratulate the following members of NHS for being voted officers for the 2012-2013 school year:
Treasurer: Amanda Platt
Secretaries: Ellen Bodine and Hanna Torline
Vice-Presidents: Andrew Eigsti and Kristina Milewski
President: Jenna Middaugh

Detentions are in room A101.

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