Choir hosts ‘A Holiday Celebration’ concert
All five choirs sang holiday songs together for the first time
Treble choir opened the Christmas Choir concert with the song “Here We Come a-Caroling” on Thursday, Dec. 5. All five choirs participated and sang in a wide variety of languages, including German, French and sign language.
“My favorite song was our closing song, ‘Hope for Resolution,’ because it was a round with all of the choirs overlapping,” junior Libby Brennaman said. “During one part [treble choir] sang in English and Jag Chorale sang in African. It was beautiful.”
All choir members sang together for the first time ever during Hope for Resolution.
“The last song was the grand finale,” junior Brienna Kendall said. “It was really powerful and [the audience] got to see how many people we have in our choir department and that it is really growing.”
According to Kendall, the concert went well.
“We got a lot of positive feedback, so I hope I hope we helped spread Christmas cheer,” Kendall said.
Twisting classic songs with humor was another addition to the concert.
“Our ‘Twelve Days of Christmas’ song was funny,” Brennaman said. “Hearing people laugh in the audience was great because we thought [the gestures and movements] would be embarrassing.”

Cassi is in her third year on the yearbook staff for her senior year. She is involved in cross country, track, jagPRIDE and NHS. She is dedicated to the organizations she is apart of and loves writing for the school yearbook.