Chen’s Canvas: Life imitates art


Jason Chen, JagWire reporter/illustrator

I’m disappointed to inform that this week, I did not prepare any artwork for review. The reason behind is mostly due to the fact that I am basically out of artwork to display. Another factor was simply because I did not find time during seminar to scan an image this week. So instead, I thought I would share some information regarding my week so far, because quite a few things have happened.

A phrase that many have heard me say is, “life imitates art.” I don’t take this phrase as saying that my life will be good because the art I make is amazing; no, instead, life — in my opinion — reflects off elements of art, which can be found in everyone’s life. So, how has my week been? Busy, that’s for sure, but also, this week has been really exciting.

This week was quite the rush since I needed to complete drafts for newspaper. I started a bit behind on getting interviews, so it was a bit of a cram in getting my work completed. I thought that I would be behind, but in reality, I now have almost nothing to do since I finished pretty early. I was able to have a draft done at the end of a work night on Monday, and now I’m pretty relaxed and I just have to make a few adjustments on my article.

Tuesday — now Tuesday was quite the day. You see, I had applied for a job and was having an interview on Tuesday. Tuesday was also the day of my play audition, and I had not memorized my monologue for the audition yet. So, after school, I was basically the school bus and dropped off three of my friends and then I headed over to Oak Park Mall for an interview at the gelato place I applied for.

The interview went well; however, my monologue that I performed later did not go as well as it could have been. I could have put on a stronger performance, but the time management just wasn’t organized well. I ended up not memorizing the short blurb for my audition and used the script on stage.

I was really tired Tuesday night and I thought I was going to go to bed early. However, that rarely happens to me now. Instead, I went over to a friend’s house for what I thought would only be for a short amount of time. It turned into me staying there for quite a while to study along with my friends, even though I wasn’t taking the class they were studying for.

Guess what? I ended up getting the job at the gelato place. Wednesday morning, I got an email, and now I have my first job. it’s a little bit of a drive, but that’s alright. It may seem that I’m too busy to hold a job, but I’ll make it through.

The week so far has been fairly eventful. Hopefully, next blog I’ll have an actual piece of artwork ready for review, but who knows? Life imitates art.

Junior Jason Chen is quite the artist and his art reflects on a wide range of styles and topics through mediums that include watercolor, pen and ink, pencils and frequently a touch of acrylic. In AP Studio Art, his classmates regularly comment on having him “sacrificed to the art gods.”  

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