Braden Shaw

May 16, 2017


There are many things we call you on staff, from Rango to B-Shaw to Stats Dad. I think all of us would agree, however, that our favorite is editor-in-chief. We know you’ve been busy juggling state titles, but somewhere between running 10 miles and writing 500 words every day, you’ve been a role model to us.

It’s no question that we look up to you. All of us can recall some memory where you’ve had to sit down and crank something out with us, but you were never rude. You were always kind. You never gave us any reason to suspect you were anything but a statistically advantaged father.

You’ve grown a lot since K.C. Sports Kids, and we’re excited to see you pursue a future in journalism. Your impact will stay at Mill Valley for classes to come, so just remember us when you’re on ESPN. West 60th will not be the same without you.

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