Blog: Geek Guru introduction and Apple announcement thoughts

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As I look around my room, I can see that it’s pretty clear that I have a lot of nerdy possessions. I have bookshelves filled with such selections as “The Hobbit” and “Game of Thrones,” a Darth Vader figurine and my model of neutron stars from my 8th grade science class. My door has an Avengers poster (I can’t choose a favorite, so don’t ask), and near it is my handheld game collection. While I certainly cannot list off the names of everyone in the House Lannister, nor can I speak Elvish (though I admit, that would be pretty cool), I do enjoy reading about or playing games set in fantastical universes, as well as keeping up-to-date on tech-related news. As the Geek Guru, I hope to share my opinions on happenings regarding anything geeky.

This week, there was a big story for both tech enthusiasts and your average emoji-loving Apple fan. The company announced the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus as well as their completely new Apple Watch on Tuesday, Sept. 9. While a presenter’s scarf was the true star of the conference, the phones and watch both looked pretty slick. However, I wasn’t as excited as some other Apple users were. I prefer carrying my phone in my pocket over carrying it in a bag or purse. While this might be a sign of oncoming cell phone separation anxiety due to my need to have it as close to my person as possible, I still think that the increased size of the new phone is a bad decision. The iPhone 6 Plus was specifically created to have a big screen, following some Android phones’ examples, so why make the regular iPhone 6 bigger than the 5? I love my iPhone 5S, but it just barely fits into most of my pockets.

When it comes to the Apple Watch, which I am still confused about why it’s not called the iWatch, I have mixed feelings. If I were a fitness person, I would be so excited about it; the watch measures how much you stand, move and exercise. In the Workout app, it measures distances, times, types of workout and even how many calories you have lost. It’s also a great way to keep a mode of communication open while working out without having to drag your phone along with you (bringing it back to pockets, most athletic shorts have none). It also lets you listen to music, which lets you leave behind your iPod as well. However, I feel that a Fitbit, an exercise-tracking wristband device, does a lot of the same tracking and is also $250 cheaper than the $350 Apple Watch. The one feature of the Apple Watch that I find really intruiging is the Wallet feature, which would let you make purchases just like a credit or debit card would. This would make checking out at a store a lot easier. However, considering the iCloud leaks and hacks of major stores’ customers’ credit card information, I’m not sure I would trust the system enough to switch to it yet. Also, I am against the new animated emojis for the watch until an animated Spanish dancing lady is announced.

Overall, while my initial response to any Apple reveal is “wow, that is so shiny, and I must have it,” I was left unimpressed by these new additions. Maybe it’s a good thing that I don’t want to spend all of my money on new technology that will be outdated soon enough. I will certainly be spending some more quality time with my 5S before I decide to buy in to any new Apple technology.

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